Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Before The Storm Come

I look at the sky,
My love, i must to go now,
I look into your eyes, i know;
In silent, i hear your cry.

Like the ocean,
So deep and dark,
Like the woods,
so strong and shade.

In this winter,
my heart feeling so tender,
You see my back so hard,
but, you never hold my hand.

My legs step on the snow,
Before the storm come,
It's time to say Good Bye,
It's time to say Good Bye.

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Jam 1 lewat,
aku gelisah menanti pagi,
Malam begitu pekat,
Kelam awan tak menutupi.

Desir angin tak terdengar,
Begitu sunyi senyap,
Jantungku berdetak liar,
Smua terlelap.

Suara detik mengusik,
Aku smakin gila,
Dingin malam merasuk,
Kekawatiranku membuncah.

Terdengar gemuruh liar,
Aku terpaku,
Kilat cahaya menyambar,
Hati teriris sembilu.

Aku terseok seok berlari.
Desiran angin menyeretku,
Meluluh lantakan smua ini,
Kelam kelabu.

Bulan menangis,
Terdengar rintih.
Aku berusaha mengais,
Sisa nasib ku tertatih.

- x files -

Kepedihan menghujam nadi,

Darah tercecer rapi,

Lantai putih ternodai,

Tak sempat meraung,

Bisikan kucing membungkamku,

Mata itu mengikat jiwaku,

Senyum malaikat melumpuhkanku,

Gemersik dedaunan samarkan rintihan.

Jantung berdegup lemah,

Sisa tenaga ku tertatih,

Tangan ingin meraih,

Namun terjatuh lunglai.

Hitam kelam,

Sekali lagi menikam,

Mataku terpejam,

Dingin menyelimuti malam.

Dan aku terlelap...

it feels

I find the truth in his eyes,

turn into his heart,

something close and lock..

i know, "feels" still live in there,

so smooth and soft,

then i fall down to the heart,

then once again make me hurt.

it's never be good and gold,

but it's fragile and blow by wind from my window,

fly in the sky with mellow and glow.