Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Bebek Songkem, nyaman onggu, pelayanannya ora nyaman onggu.


Lama tak berbagi info kuliner.
Kuliner kali ini merambah ke pulau madura. Setelah perjuangan pulang dan pergi dari pantai madura yang yahuud banget pemandangannya. Selain mobil minta diisi.
, perut pun protes minta diisi.  Hahahaha.
Seingat kabar kabur dari teman saya, melaju lah kita ke warung yang yaahh lumayan rame selain bebek sinjai yang terkenal. Saya perkenalkan, nama warung nya "Bebek Songkem dan Ayam Songkem Pak Salim". Ternyata kabar yang saya dapatkan ga kabur kok. Bebek dan ayam nya di kukus dulu selama 3 jam dengan daun pisang. Jadi non-colesterol.selain di kukus, bebek dan ayamnya juga ada yang digoreng.  Kebetulan, saya kurang suka sesuatu yang dikukus.  Saya dan emak besan memesan ayam gorengnya. Nah, pacar saya memesan bebek kukus. Saya mencicipi sang bebek, hmm..  Enak juga, tak heran banyak pengunjung yang cuman ke madura untuk membeli bebek maupun ayam songkem ini. Untuk ayam gorennya. Suka banget dengan bumbu nya. Sambal pencitnya enak. Baru kali ini saya suka sambal pencitnya. Bumbu rempahnya yang di goreng terasa sedap. Kalau bisa sih mau nambah, hahahaha.  Sayangnya, mood saya down, karena pelayanannya. Saya awalnya sudah bilang,  mbak tolong ayamnya yang bagian dada ya. Eh munculnya satu paha satu dada.  Otomatis saya protes kan?  Kalau dari awal bilang,  maaf ada cuman satu. Okelah. Sudah di protes, ga ditanggapi.  Alhasil saya maju,  saya sodori itu sang korban ke mbak belagu kasir. Saya ga mau bawa balik sang ayam. Mau nunggu lama,  oke ga apa. Saya minta sendok dan garpu. Saya masih tanya baik baik.  Eh,  ga di jawab malah melotot. Saya balikin itu pelototan mata dia.  Saya ini orang bukan mbak kunti,  jadi ditanya ya dijawab dong.  Untung, temennya langsung ngasih itu sendok dan pasanganya.  Kalau ga ini tangan udah gatel, bisa saya gampar itu meja kasir. Eh,  gebrak deh..  Hahaha. Meski saya kecewa,  untuk rasa ayam gorenya aih,  oke..  Bumbu rempahnya yang di goreng yummy,  plus sambal pencitnya..  Sedap.  Sayang hanya sedikit. Kalau bisa nambah mungkin saya nambah deh.  Sayangnya saya udah ga mood. Untuk bebek kukus yanh di pesan sang pacar sedap. Saya yang awalnya anti bebek dan sambal pencit jadi suka.  Hahahaha. Yang mau mampir kesana. Langsung saja ke kota bangkalan,  madura. Ga jauh kok dari jembatan suramadu.
Untuk gambar bebek nya menyusul ya..  Udah ludes duluan.  Hehehe..
Ingin tau gimana bagusnya pantai madura yang saya juluki "the hidden beach". Bisa follow atau mampir ke instagram saya (siva_justine).

See ya di entri berikutnyaaaa :)

With love,

Siva Justine

Jumat, 28 November 2014

Sepenggal lirik yang menyapa

Saat bekerja, saya sangat suka mendengarkan radio. Saat asik-asiknya tenggelam dalam kesibukan. Sepenggal lirik lagu dari Tulus yang jazzy dan easy listen ini menggoda telinga saya,

"Yg terburuk kelak jadi yang terbaik... ~~" - (GajahTulus)

membuatku tersenyum saat mengingat smua peristiwa-peristiwa terberat yang saya alami sedemikian rupa.

Bila saya tak pernah tercebur dan berenang melalui itu semua.  Saya tak akan bisa seperti sekarang.  Berdiri tegak, tersenyum, dan berkata setiap saat pada diri-sendiri,

"Persoalan saat ini tak seberat yang dulu,  maka saya yakin saya bisa." :)


When I'm working, i love to listen radio. I was enjoying my work. A fragment of lyric song from Tulus, lured my ears. That song so jazzy and easy-listen.

"Yg terburuk kelak jadi yang terbaik... ~~" - (GajahTulus)
Means: The worst things will be the best things...

I'm smiling when i remember all the bad moments happened in my life.

If it never happened and i went through it all, i cant ever be like now. Standing up, smile and ask all the time to my-self.

"The problem isn't as hard as i faced it in past. So, I'm sure i can make it. " :)

Rabu, 19 November 2014

The witch please be wise, The bitch don't be prise.

"Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Who the prettiest woman in here.. ?"
Why u must trouble and be tremble,
When u used that mantra and see the truth?

"Oh mirror mirror on the wall
What should i do become like her..  ?"
Why you must try and trance how to copy her,
Then you used mask and fake your face?

"Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Which way i can be more shine and popular..?"
With all your lie, lead those people to pointing,
The truth can crush and curse your pride?

Oh you that witch!
Who spill the lies like a spell.
Warn with your way full of the crap trap.
It's truly to hot and harm like hell.

Oh you that bitch!
Who wanna be shiny and lovely.
Watch your step straight on the thin string.
It may fall deep down with all your wall.

Time is running and chasing you.
That eyes are waiting and watching you.
The truth will crushing you.
The truth will cursing you.

Selasa, 23 September 2014

Mangrove, My journey to catch the beauties..

Although i live in the second biggest town in Indonesia, Surabaya. In this sparkling city had many of luxury buildings, but still have this beautiful green place, Mangrove ecotourism which it well-known in Surabaya, East Java-Indonesia. It located on the east coast. i visited the one of them at Mangrove Wonorejo. I admire much about nature and really exited to go there. I rised super-duper high spirit to hunting and catch the beauties. This place recomended for refreshing and pre-wedding photo.

For other picture for mangrove's beauties, you can check on my instagram and follow me for another photos update ~^.^~

For another info u can check their webside on http://www.ekowisata-mangrove-wonorejo.com/home.html

I made an MV and i hope readers love it. let's watch it.....
See ya on the others topic.. always with love *Siva Justine* 

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Towards You.

it was pointed...
pointed only for u.
that, I really fall for u.
oh yeah.. totaly fall for u..

My heart fallen in ur trap.
My heart filled without any gap.
u are so shine in my eyes.
u are catching my heart perfectly.

Oh, my heart is pumping.. pumping..
More faster.. more louder..
thump.. thump.. thump..
My heart wanna burst like timer boom

I felt so melt,
When I.. I'm trying to  talk with u.
When I.. I'm trying to walk closer with u.
When I.. I see ur smile.

Oh, Please.. always think of me.
Please.. always hug and hold me.
Please.. don't let me go.
Please.. don't let it become just a dream.

U are my whiskey and honey.
U are my bitter and sweet.
Love is the special feelings,
Let me make it more special to loving u.

- inspired after watch 'my name is love'-

Kamis, 17 April 2014

'Monggo', u should try the extra fine chocolate made in Jogja !!

Hello readers,
For this post it's special edition for chocolate lover, yay!!!!
( me too :3 )
I received a gift from my friend, who he has traveled in Jogja. a box of Monggo Chocolate!!
Yeah, he always know i love chocolate. especially, dark chocolate.. yummy !!
Chocolate "Monggo" is made only in Jogja, Indonesia. Monggo is from Java language means in bahasa, "Silahkan" or in english means "Please", and it describes Javanese culture, Yogyakarta

Little history from Monggo Choholate,
The founder of Monggo chocolate is a Belgian chocolatier came in Indonesia and felt disappoint with the quality of chocolate products in Indonesia. Cause he knew, Indonesia as the world's third largest producer of cocoa. He began to made some samples of chocolate and started to develop it. then, Monggo chocolate products is born ! :)

For the taste?!
Oh my, its different with others chocolate product in Indonesia! I'll say : " 'Monggo', you should try the extra fine chocolate made in Jogja !! " hihihihihi..  if you, guys.. have an occasion  travel in Jogja. Dont miss the opportunity to stop by their factory, you can see the process of making Monggo chocolate. Or u can come to their shop to buy some product of Monggo chocolate as a gift to ur relation. :D

 Oh my, i cant control my self to eat them.. XD....

For the address:
Coklat Mongo Factory
PT Anugrah Mulia Indobel
Jalan Dalem KG III / 978 - RT 043 RW 10
Kel. Purbayan Kotagede 55173, Yogyakarta
Tel: +62 274 7102202 / Fax: +62 274 373192

Coklat Mongo Shop
Jl Tirtodipuran no 10

For website: http://chocolatemonggo.com/

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

What's new in Kartiko Jajan Pasar at Pasar Atum...

It's been a while...
Now, It's time to update my culiner article..
Yesterday, I went to Pasar Atum with my mommy..
You'll find many cafes in Pasar Atum & Mall. But, especially for this one, u must get some taste for traditional snacks and stopped at the unique and oldest style cafe, Kartiko Jajanan Pasar & Warung kopi.
You can find maaannnyyyy kind of Jajanan or it's called snack. It's ranging from boiled, fried, steamed, oven, and even grilled snacks!! lets say from kucur, kue lumpur, kue tok, perut ayam, pastel tutup, risoles, pohong rebus, serabi, bakcang, and more... Yummy!!
Unfortunatelly, i forgot to take some photos in there... >.< (but, I'll take some photos for the cafe, if i go there.. promise.. xixixixixixi)
But, I found the new menu in Kartiko Jajanan Pasar. It's Called Degan Jelly..  Taraaaa.....!!

I have no idea when i opened the coconut, It's jelly inside coconut with Degan.. I can't find any coconut water..The taste? ahh... So fresh, really briliant idea.. you can buy it with 25.000 IDR /piece..
If you're curious with the flavors of Jelly Degan.. Hurry and go to Kartiko Jajan Pasar & Warung Kopi.. ~^.^~